SALCO is a legal clinic that supports low-income South Asian people in Ontario. We provide services in a number of areas of law including immigration, tenancy, employment, income supports, and other areas. Click on the Legal Services page of our website to see all of the areas that we can support you with. You can reach us at 416-487-6371. We can also give you advice and support from family law matters but if you need more advice or representation in family law, criminal, law and/or a refugee matter you can contact Legal Aid Ontario at 416-979-1446 or their website

About Us
SALCO’s mandate is to improve access to justice for low-income South Asian communities. SALCO provides direct legal services in Ontario, public legal education across Ontario and Canada, and is involved in many community development and law reform initiatives to advance the rights of low-income South Asian communities. SALCO provides services in multiple South Asian languages and in multiple areas of law.
Our advocacy includes dismantling the impact of intersecting forms of discrimination on all life outcomes for racialized communities including systemic racism and Islammophobia. SALCO also supports many people facing gender-based violence (GBV) in direct legal services and in large-scale systems change to better serve South Asian people facing GBV.
We provide advice, brief services, and/or legal representation in a number of areas of law. For more information, please contact us by phone or by email.
Other: ID Document Replacement Support, Affadavits related to the areas of law that we practice on a case by case basis.
Reconstruction and Reset: A Plan for Canada
COVID-19 has exposed and significantly increased pre-existing racial inequities in Canada.The…
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To improve our services SALCO would like to hear from you.
Please consider completing a Client Survey if we have supported you on a legal matter, or a Community Partner Survey if we have worked with your organization.