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Forced Marriage

What is Forced Marriage?

Forced marriage is a practice in which a marriage takes place without the free consent of the individuals getting married, where pressure or abuse is used to ‘force’ one or both people to marry against their will.

A forced marriage can happen to anyone; of any gender, of any age.

Forced Marriages are a Form of Violence

If you or someone you know is being forced into a marriage, help and advice is available. This violence may take emotional, mental or physical forms where an individual may be ‘forced’ by: using threats, beating them, isolating them, using restrictions on them, inducing guilt, and many such forms of coercion.

In some cases, individuals may be taken abroad to be forced to marry. A marriage that is forced is a form of violence and an abuse of human rights. It is against the law in Canada to force someone to get married.

Emergency help is available.

Our Publications

“Who If When to Marry -The Incidence of Forced Marriage in Ontario” PDF
(Sep 2013)

Download PDF 

Forced Marriage –  Toolkit
(July 2010)

Download PDF 

Forced Marriage – Legal Toolkit

Download PDF 

Case Management & Contingency Matrix

Download PDF 

FM Emergency Card

Download PDF 

Do you need help?

I am in a forced marriage

Every situation is different.

If this is happening to you, or someone you know — it is not your fault and you are not alone. You can get help.

It is important to understand that who you marry, when you marry or if you marry, marriage is a choice. Forced marriage is a form of abuse and is against the law in Canada.

Local and international resources are available, including free and confidential support. Resources include health, housing, counselling, legal and financial help.

For immediate assistance contact the 24 hour support lines at the Victim’s Support Line: 1-888-579-2888 or 416-314-2447, if you are calling from within Toronto.

If you are worried about your immediate safety and well-being, contact your local police at 911.

Going Abroad

Forced marriages can take place abroad. If you suspect that the reason for travel is for a forced marriage, try to avoid the trip. If this is not possible, there are supports available.

If you or the person in concern have not yet traveled overseas and are worried for your safety, get in touch with an agency or a service provider that can help you. You can contact the local police, a school guidance counselor, a social service agency, or a community legal clinic.

See Get Connected and Emergency Links.

If travel becomes unavoidable, provide a trusted person with:

  • Address and telephone number of where you are going to stay
  • Your passport details
  • All your flight details (there and back)

You should also:

  • Register with the government prior to traveling by filling out the ‘Registration for Canadians Abroad’ Form.  You can be assisted in the case of an emergency, including issuing passports, transportation and assisting with a safe return to Canada.  Click here for the registration form.
  • Keep some emergency cash with you
  • Carry the contact information of the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate.

If you are overseas and require assistance, you can contact a Canadian embassy or consulate abroad, through the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) [].

For a list of Canadian embassies click here.

While abroad you can email for help at or call the Emergency Operations Centre if in North America at 1-800-267-6788 or call collect from anywhere in the world at 1-613-996-8885.

Government of Canada Emergency Operations Centre

Contact: 1-800-267-6788 (North America) or 613-996-8885
It is important to note that a person’s immigration status will impact the type of options available to them if they are forced to marry while abroad. Canadian embassies abroad offer assistance primarily to Canadian citizens.

Permanent residents and temporary residents may need to explore additional options, including independent and advocacy and that may provide assistance to victims of forced marriages. The services of these organizations are available to citizens and non-citizens, and may include the provision of shelter, referral services and advocacy on behalf of the victim.

Safety Planning

Be aware that a person may be at risk of experiencing violence or harm if their family learns that they have sought assistance.

Safety and exposure to risk must always be considered when creating an action plan or offering advice in cases of forced marriage.

Things to Consider

  • Establish a code word with people you trust to ensure you are always speaking to the right person.
  • Leave copies of important documents such as a passport, Social Insurance Number and birth certificate with a trusted person
  • Have access to money through a trusted person or personal bank account.
  • Keep a list of emergency contacts and help lines somewhere accessible and safe.
  • Have a telephone card or change for emergency calls. Note: 9-1-1 can be dialed for free from any payphone in Canada.
  • Arrange for alternative housing with a trusted person or community shelter.
I am concerned for someone in a forced marriage
Forced marriages can be a hidden problem. The important thing to remember is that you are not alone in your concern. Help is available for you and to support individuals within a forced marriage.

The following can be signs to look out for if you are concerned about someone you know:

  • The person begins to miss appointments, school, work or social events
  • The person may seem more anxious, depressed or scared
  • The person no longer meets with you alone
  • The person has injuries that he/she cannot explain
  • The person’s eating habits change
  • The person expresses that he/she wants to hurt themselves
Steps for Intervention

Forced marriages occur either within Canada or abroad. An individual may need support with safety planning, education about rights and responsibilities and looking into assistance available.

It is important to connect to confidential and responsible assistance.

Visit Get Connected and Emergency Links for community partners that are able to provide support.

  • Find a safe environment. Talk to someone you trust and think of individuals who may be able to provide you with help. Seek the assistance of community service providers for legal questions, housing, counseling, health services and additional supports. Be discrete when contacting others for help, if personal safety may be an issue.
  • Learn your rights. Forced marriages are illegal. Gain an understanding of the law through contacting a community legal clinic.
  • If an individual is under the age of 16 community service providers must report abuse to Children’s Aid Society.
  • If you are contacted by a person under threat, attempt to collect as much information as possible, including age, nationality, birth date/place of birth, passport details, school details, employment, name and address of parents/caregivers and names of family/friends that can be trusted.
  • Try to establish a safe ways to communicate with others (telephone, email, texting, through a friend/family member etc.).
Legal Support

Forced marriages are illegal. Individuals should seek professional and confidential help in understanding their legal rights and responsibilities.

Criminal offenses for forced marriages can include sexual assault, threatening behaviour/threats to kills, kidnap, abduction, assault, imprisonment and murder.

Community Legal Support Services

Community Legal Clinics in Ontario

Contact: Legal Aid Ontario 1-800-668-8258 (legal aid assistance and referrals in over 120 languages)

Free Legal Assistance Services for Low-Income Ontarians

South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario

Contact: (416) 487-6371

Family Law Education for Women

Contact: (416) 961-8101

Justice for Youth and Children

Location: 415 Yonge Street, Suite 1203, Toronto
Contact: (416) 920-1633

Ontario Women’s Justice Network


This online legal resource provides information on issues related to justice and violence against women and children.

Service Provider Resources

Get Involved

Forced marriages are often a hidden form of violence. Due to a common misconceptions and lack of awareness, the forced marriage issue can be overlooked.

Increasingly, community service agencies and healthcare providers are beginning to address forced marriages.

There a number of ways to get involved and stop forced marriages.

1)    Understand the Issue

toolkit for community education is available, to develop a stronger understanding of the forced marriages issue.

2)    Make connections

3)    Understand the misconceptions

There are many myths that exist about forced marriages. Learn about the misconceptions in order to become an informed community member.

Community Resources

Information and referral support is available to service providers.

A Network of Agencies Against Forced Marriages has been established to support with forced marriages cases. These network members include front-line service providers, researchers, advocates and additional committed community partners.   A Forced Marriages toolkit has been designed as guide to assist service providers in dealing with cases of forced marriage in Ontario and to facilitate open discussion with different stakeholders, including youth and their families. It contains practical information for the identification and prevention of forced marriage as well strategies for intervention.  We encourage the users of this toolkit to adapt this document to suit their needs as well as the needs of the people they work with to make it more accessible and relevant.  Download toolkit here.

This brochure provides information and resources on forced marriages. It can be printed and distributed as needed.

This poster can be utilized by service providers to promote an understanding of the forced marriages issue.

Additional resources are available to provide further information on forced marriages for both service providers and community members.

A Forced Marriages Unit (FMU) is established in the UK. The following UK resources can be explored to gain more awareness on the issue.

Forced Marriage Unit (FMU)


Phone: 020 7008 1500 or +44 20 7008 1500 (from abroad) (24-hour line)

Forced Marriage Awareness


Honour Crimes Directory (developed by CIMEL and INTERIGHTS)

A comprehensive list of local NGOs has been created through a project in United Kingdom called ‘ ‘Strategies to Address ‘Crimes of Honour’’, a joint project between CIMEL (the Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law) and INTERIGHTS (the International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights). This ‘Honour Crimes Directory’ is available at

Training on Forced Marriages

SALCO hosts ‘Public Legal Education’ on several issues and offers training on forced marriages. Please contact Vanathy for more details:

Vanathy Wimaleswarans
Office Administrator

(416) 487-6371 ext. 45

Get Connected

Emergency Links

If there is an emergency situation, immediately call 911 for assistance.

Emergency and Police Services

Contact: Dial 9-1-1

Emergency and Police Services

Contact: Dial 2-1-1

Ontario Victims Support Referral Line

Contact: 1-888-579-2888 / 416-314-2447 (Toronto)

Distress Centres of Toronto

Contact: (416) 408-HELP (4357) / TTY (416) 408-0007

Distress Centres of Ontario


Assaulted Women’s Helpline

Contact: 1-866-863-0511
(416) 863-0511 (Greater Toronto Area)
1-866-863-7868 (TTY)
Cell: #SAFE (#7233)
This helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Services are available in over 100 languages. Get help – Free crisis counselling and referrals for legal advice, shelters and other supports.

Femaide (Francophone phone line)

Contact: 1-877-336-2433
1-866-860-7082 (TTY)

Kids Help Phone

Contact: 1-800-668-6868

Children’s Aid Society of Toronto

Contact: (416) 924-4646

Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies


Telehealth Ontario

Contact: 1-866-797-0000 / TTY 1-866-797-0007
Sexual Assault / Rape Crisis Centre of Peel
Contact: 1-800-810-0180 (Confidential and Anonymous)
This helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Victim Services Victim Support Line (VSL)

Contact: 1-888-579-2888 (VSL) / (416) 326-2429 (Victim/Witness Assistance)
The Victim Support Line provides help in English and French. The Victim/Witness Assistance Program supports individuals through the criminal justice process.

Sexual Assault Support Centres in Ontario


Community Resources

Emergency Shelter Services

Shelter Net Assessment & Referral Centre

Contact: (416) 338-4766 or Toll Free 1-877-338-3398

Shelter Central Family Intake

Families with Children
Contact: (416) 397-5637

Community Legal Clinics in Ontario Legal Aid Ontario

Contact: 1-800-668-8258 / TTY 1-866-641-8867
Service: Legal aid assistance and referrals in over 120 languages

Family Service Association of Toronto

Contact: (416) 596-9230

Family Service Ontario

Contact: (416) 231-6003

The Barbara Schlifer Clinic

Location: 489 College Street, Suite 503
Contact: (416) 323-9149 / TTY (416) 323-1361

LGBT Youth Line

Contact: 1-800-268-YOUTH (9688) / Email:

Association of Ontario Health Centres

Contact: (416) 236-2539

Ontario Women’s Health Network

This database provides information on various health services for women

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (When Abroad)

Contact: 1-800-267-6788 (North America)
1-613-996-8885 (Call Collect anywhere from the world)

Agencies Against Forced Marriages

Access Alliance Multicultural Community and Health Services

Location: Multiple locations in GTA; 340 College Street, Toronto
Contact: (416) 324-8677
Service: Programs and services for immigrants and refugees

Agincourt Community Services

Location: 4155 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 100, Toronto
Contact: (416) 762-8798 /
Service: Address needs of children, youth, seniors, newcomers & underserved communities

Council of Agencies Serving South Asians

Location: 5200 Finch Ave E. Unit No.301A
Scarborough, Ontario M1S 4Z5
Contact: (416) 932-1359
Service: Resource for information, research, mobilization & coordination on social justice

Indus Community Services of Peel

Location: Locations throughout Peel Region
Contact: (905) 275 2369
Service: Settlement, health, education and social services

Justice of Children and Youth

Location: 415 Yonge Street, Suite 1203, Toronto
Contact: (416) 920-1633
Service: Legal support for age 17 and under

Midaynta Community Services

Location: 1992 Yonge Street, Suite 203, Toronto
Contact: (416) 544-1992
Service: Settlement and counselling services

Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto

Location: 745 Danforth Avenue, Suite 401, Toronto
Contact: (416) 469-0196
Service: Settlement services for women

South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario

Location: 45 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 106A
Contact: (416) 487-6371
Service: Advice, services, and legal representation to low-income South Asians

The Alternative for Her Community Centre (TAFHCC)

Location: 2975 Don Mills Road, North York (by appointment)
Contact: (416) 949-7411
Service: Recreational programs and culturally sensitive social services

The Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention (ASAAP)

Location: 20 Carlton Street, Suite M126, Toronto
Contact: (416) 599-2727
Service: Health promotion, support and advocacy for South Asians affected by HIV/AIDS

The Arab Community Centre of Toronto (ACCT)

Location: 5 locations across the Greater Toronto Area
Contact: (416) 231-7746
Service: Settlement and integration services

Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office (TNO)

Location: 45 Overlea Boulevard, Unit 108A, Toronto
Contact: (416) 421- 8997
Service: Settlement, employment and counselling services

Toronto Community Housing Corporation

Contact: (416) 898-2640
Service: Social housing provider

Toronto Police Service

Location: 40 College Street, Toronto (Head Office)
Contact: (416) 808-7041
Service: Policing, safety and criminal justice

Women’s Health in Women’s Hands

Location: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 500, Toronto
Contact: (416) 263-4889
Service: Inclusive healthcare services for women

Frequently Asked Questions

Are arranged marriages the same as forced marriages?

All arranged marriages are not forced marriages. In arranged marriages, families arrange the match. The individuals getting married have a choice of whether or not to marry. In a forced marriage, one or more of the individuals getting married are not given the choice to marry.

Why is forced marriage a part of some cultures?

Forced marriage is not a cultural practice.

Forced marriages can occur in any culture, class, religion or area of the world.

Forced marriage is not accepted by any religion or culture.

Isn’t forced marriage a private family matter?

Forced marriages are not a private family matter.

Forced marriages violate human rights and international laws.

Parents/caregivers may believe that they are preserving cultural tradition, building stronger families and protecting their children.

Regardless of motives, forced marriage is against the law and is an act of violence.

Aren’t forced marriages a thing of the past?

Forced marriages are still occurring in Canada and many different parts of the world. The exact number of forced marriage cases in Canada is not known. Due to stigma, fear,  and lack of awareness about forced marriages, many people do not report cases of forced marriages.

Who is forced to marry?

Forced marriages happen to people of all ages and gender. While many marriages involve domestic violence and violence against women, many men are also victims of this practice.

Forced marriage also happens to across the gender spectrum including but not limited to trans-gendered trans-sexual, gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals.

Forced marriages can happen to anyone.