SALCO’s Executive Director was awarded Ontario’s Victim Services Awards of Distinction for 2021
SALCO received ECOSOC Status as an accredited NGO with the United Nations in 2022 and will be participating in Canada’s upcoming review at the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – check out of latest submission
SALCO is currently working on a series of events to highlight South Asian connections to Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous communities in Canada
SALCO is working to release a series of videos in multiple South Asian languages on the basics of employment rights in 2022
SALCO is working with the Anti-Hate Coalition on improving outcomes from hate crime/hate incidents for South Asian communities
SALCO is working with the Colour of Poverty – Colour of Change on E.I. Reform – check out latest submission
Interested in becoming a SALCO Board Member?
To become a SALCO member, you will need to complete our Membership Form, pay the membership fee, and mail it…
In Solidarity, the South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario.
BlackLivesMatter SouthAsians4BlackLives
Stand Up to Racism, South Asians: The South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO) Calls OnSouth Asians to Stand Up…
COPC and UofT – UPR follow-up press release final
Human Rights Groups Urge Canada to Legislate Against Indefinite Immigration Detention, End Child Detention. COPC and UofT - UPR follow-up…
Last Tweets
This week, we look at the Tamil Community Centre, located in north Scarborough in the Morningside Heights neighbourhood.