Reconstruction and Reset: A Plan for Canada
COVID-19 has exposed and significantly increased pre-existing racial inequities in Canada.The policy responses by different orders of government have failed…
Statement on Ontario Provincial Police decision to not lay charges in the death of Soleiman Faqiri
We are deeply distressed by the failure of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) to lay charges against the correctional officers…
Seeking Directors for SALCO’s Volunteer Board of Directors
If you are interested in becoming a board member please apply via e-mail by October 10, 2020. South Asian Legal…
Interested in becoming a SALCO Board Member?
To become a SALCO member, you will need to complete our Membership Form, pay the membership fee, and mail it…
In Solidarity, the South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario.
BlackLivesMatter SouthAsians4BlackLives
Stand Up to Racism, South Asians: The South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO) Calls OnSouth Asians to Stand Up…
COPC and UofT – UPR follow-up press release final
Human Rights Groups Urge Canada to Legislate Against Indefinite Immigration Detention, End Child Detention. COPC and UofT - UPR follow-up…
Canada’s fiscal update may be feminist in its approach, but it’s not so intersectional
Executive Director of the Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic, Avvy Gao, and the Director of the Ontario Council of…
Racialized Communities Call on Governments in Canada to End Racism and Poverty on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 17 is recognized by the United Nations as the International Day for the Eradication ofPoverty. Colour of Poverty –…
Free Webinar on South Asian dis-proportionally affected by COVID-19
Oct 22, 2020 at 6pm-8pm. Registration link is in the attached flyer. South Asian Webinar flyer A4Download